Himlung Himal 7th October 2023

Himlung Himal 7th October 2023

Leader: Robin Beadle

30th October 2023 - Summit Success!

Robin called in this morning to say that the Linda, himself and the two Sherpas summited at around 8am on Saturday morning. Paul had a restless night at Camp 3 so decided not to attempt the summit. The team are now back at base camp and getting ready for their journey back to Kathmandu.

24th October 2023 - moving up

The team are moving up the mountain and are watching the weather for the best possible summit night on the 27th or 28th they are currently at camp 2

20th October 2023 - Team at Camp 1.

Robin has called in today. The team are all settled in for the evening at Camp 1. Tomorrow they will move up to Camp 2 and spend the night before dropping back down to base camp for some rest before the summit rotation.

16th October 2023 - Base Camp

Robin called to say the team had arrived at base camp and they are very impressed with the set up. Tomorrow the team will have their Puja and then they will do some refresher training on the fixed lines.

12th October 2023 - At Meta

Today the team have enjoyed their trek from Koto, through very dramatic sceneary to Meta.

10th October 2023 - Team in Besisahar

Robin and the team have now arrived in Besisahar. Tomorrow they will make the 4 hour transfer by jeep to Koto, the starting point for the trek to base camp.

9th October 2023 - The team have arrived in Kathmandu

The team have arrived in Kathmandu and have been busy checking kit. Tonight they will have attend a cultural evening with traditional food and dancing, and tomorrow they set off on their Journey.

Robin Beadle

About Robin Beadle

Robin is an IFMGA and British Mountain Guide, and was involved with Adventure Peaks’ Alpine courses from their inception. He has led professional and private expeditions to South America, Africa, Indonesia, Central Asia, Antarctica, the Arctic and the Himalaya. He has summitted Everest as a guide for Adventure Peaks, together with 6 clients and 5 Sherpas. In 2023, Robin will lead our Peak Lenin, Mount Kazbek and Himlung Himal expeditions.


Liz and Carl Morris · 9 months ago

Congratulations Linda....a fantastic achievement. Your not over the hill yet... your on top of the hill.
Love from Liz and Carl x

Paul Marron · 9 months ago

All the best Robin, wish i was there. Thanks for all your help on Kazbek ,great crack cheers Paul....

Paul Marron · 9 months ago

All the best Robin, wish i was there. Thanks for all your help on Kazbek ,great crack cheers Paul....

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